Reclaim Your Wellness
This space is devoted to inclusive health & wellness. This is where we come to nurture, heal, and adorn ourselves. We advocate for the unapologetic self-care and slow living that is owed to us – historically oppressed people. This is a safe space where we can Be The Lily.
a Physician curated lifestyle BRAND
\ ə-ˈdȯrn
to enliven or decorate as if with ornaments; to add beauty, splendor, or distinction to
“The Lifestyle Doctor”
I’m a multi passionate doctorpreneur that loves to explore my creativity through interior design, writing, throwing parties, and fashion styling. Though my interests be many, I keep wellness at the center of everything I do.
As a physician, I know that health disparities are real and that unspoken barriers to wellness exist for marginalized folk. The wellness industry simply does not cater to our needs. I am committed to creating a community that inspires attainable healthy choices which will center US.